uh oh look out birdies!!! who is one to root for when one loves both cats and birds??? love the eyes floating outside the cat's head---these illustrations are wonderful--they have a sharp wit and are beautifully drawn--the collage elements add an unexpected psychological sort of twist...
BROOKLYNrehab is Alyssa Zygmunt. Fashion designer by day, collector and crafter by night. Finding abandoned beauties or altering existing objects to give them new life. I love seeing the possibilities and sharing them with you. I hate talking in the 3rd person. Kind of silly isn't it.
uh oh look out birdies!!! who is one to root for when one loves both cats and birds??? love the eyes floating outside the cat's head---these illustrations are wonderful--they have a sharp wit and are beautifully drawn--the collage elements add an unexpected psychological sort of twist...