Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Horses are on the Track

Hellooooo I've been away too long. It's been really hard on me the past 2 weeks having to keep my head down and just produce produce produce to finish all the "made to order" ceramic pieces I promised. I am a creative spirit so to do the same thing over and over again is a little mind numbing and very tiring. Of course knowing that the end result is BROOKLYNrehab growing and reaching more and more people is well worth it. I finally spent some time away from the studio this past holiday weekend. I did a little vintage shopping which is always a joy for me. See more vintage in my Etsy store soon! For now this little trophy topper. I love him. The flash card is from the lovely Monkeys Always Look just featured herself on Etsy.


  1. Hi Alyssa,

    Spectacular horse - absolutely love it!
    I blogged a little about your shop in my post for today and linked to your shop and blog.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Stacey from bebojoblog.blogspot.com

  2. Hi Stacey! Thanks for coming by. I posted a little note on yours too :)

  3. Thank you very much Alyssa - I know you are very busy at the moment and I appreciate your comments. You and your mother are absolutely adorable by the way - hooray for team Zygmunt!
    I'm certain if I told my father I had a blog, he would send me a homeopathic remedy!
