Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scavenger Hunt: More Fall Musings

There's nothing like that first morning when you wake up to the little signs that fall is here. Leaves change and the air turns crisp. You put on that much loved sweater. We are definitely on the verge of that in New York and I'm collecting inspiration like the leaves that will soon fall. Also stocking up on some DIY projects for when all I want to do is stay in indoors.  Here is what I have collected to share with you....

Josh Brill’s Flora Fauna Bird Edition prints – reminds me so much of Charley Harper! 
Quirky Birth Announcement from Mandate Press that showcase some great letterpress and my love for the Royal Tenenbaums.
I'm almost ready to break out of the knee high boots but for now it is the perfect time for these beauties. 
Soon the plants will be brought indoors. I am completely smitten with this egg cup planter DIY from design*sponge. But if making is not your thing, you can always buy them readymade from my pal Monkeysalwayslook .
Heather Smith Jones gives a DIY project on how to make Watercolors! The pictures are beautiful.  
Oh my god these mushrooms from Sarah Veron are right up my alley.
This is origami – crazy?!
Unexpected jewelry from Pamela Love
Unbelievable photo shoot form Waldermar and Max – those dresses!


  1. Those peeptoe booties are fabulous!! And I'm a big fan of Pamela Love's designs...owl talons!

  2. hi chad! i'm wearing the shoe booties right now :)
    have a great weekend!

  3. i almost forgot about Grain Edit - thanks for reminding me. those bird prints are so crisp. been meaning to email you for a-ges. sorry been so out of touch. will contact you offline to say a proper hi.

  4. hi kelly! how are you? i am so boring these days. all i do is work 24 / 7 but if you ever want to grab a coffee in the burg let me know! i can take a break for you ;)
